Ayurvedic Yoga Immersion Course I – Ayurvedic Foundations , Yoga and Principles | Jan. 4th – 9th ( 6 days), All Yoga Levels Welcomed.
Course I – Ayurvedic Yoga Foundations
Mornings, 7:30 am – 9:30 am
Afternoons, 12:30 – 4:30 pm
Yoga Description Course I | Ayurvedic Foundations, Yoga Flow and Theory.
Yoga offers a strong stable way to become more attuned through all expressions of movement and stillness, whether that be of the body or the contours of the mind. In a simplistic way, yoga teaches us the methods for perception and growth while Ayurveda teaches us how to perceive and then apply these technique for growth.
The first 6 days of this course will cover the tools – governed by Ayurvedic Principles – necessary to begin to see and interact with the world in an Ayurvedic way. Each morning will begin with a 90 minute Ayurvedic asana class. After our morning break, we will return to the studio for discussion focusing on the relevant lecture for the day and the skillful application of ayurvedic principles in our yoga practice and our life.
This program will also include an afternoon in Nature so we can learn to apply and feel our studies outside of the classroom setting.
We will cover these topics :
● Samkhya
● Sattva/Rajas/Tamas
● 5 Vayus
● 5 Elements
● 3 Doshas
● 10 Senses and Sense Therapies
● 6 Tastes ● 7 Tissues
● Prana/Tejas/Ojas
● Ayurvedic Clock
● How Dosha Forms and Can Be Managed